Akcelerant Lending Guide
Windows Server 2012 Installation

The page outlines the process to install the Akcelerant Framework (14.00.00 version) with Microsoft Windows Server 2012  / IIS 8.  It covers tasks and decisions to make before the installation, the actual installation, and tasks to complete after the installation. 

Please reference the Akcelerant Framework Hardware and Software Requirements that are available on the Collaboration Portal

ShowPre-Installation Steps

Select Framework Architecture

The Framework installation includes three separate components, each with its own setup executable:

This separation allows the Framework installation to be spread across more than one server. The chosen architecture varies from customer to customer. The Hardware and Software Requirements document will help you decide the best architecture for your environment.

Your architecture may include a separate SQL Server. If this is the case, it is recommended that the Database Components are actually installed from the web/app server. The Database Components installation can create its database remotely – it does not have to be run on the actual SQL Server.

Create Service Account

The Framework requires a service account to run many components of the installation. The following are configured to run as the service account:

A domain account must be created by a network administrator. This domain account must be created before the Framework can be installed. This user should have the following properties:

Permissions for this user are very limited. All required permissions are documented in the Setting Permissions section (see below).

Create Share Directory

A directory accessible to the Web and Application Servers must be created. The Framework stores various documents in this directory, and will grow in size over time. The following are items that the Framework will store in this directory:

This directory should not be created on a drive with limited space available.

Install Required Software

Ensure all required software is installed on the Framework servers. Refer the following documents for more information:

ShowInstallation Steps

64-bit Windows Server Support

With the release of Version 10 of the Akcelerant Framework, 64-bit Windows Server Operating Systems are now supported including Windows 2003, Windows 2008, Windows 2008 R2 and Windows 2012. Please review the section on “Configuring your 64-bit server for the Akcelerant Framework” for additional steps to perform after initial installation.

Windows Server 2012 Prerequisite Software Installation

This IIS role is not selected by default when installing IIS roles for the Windows Server 2012 and can be easily missed. To verify the settings go to Control panel> Program and Features>Turn Windows feature on or of>Next.

Prerequisite Software Installation

Before the Framework software is installed, there are prerequisite software application that must be installed.  These are:

Prerequisite Software How to Install
ASP.net MVC 1.0
This script will not provide any confirmation of completion. Unless you receive an error, you can assume it was successful within seconds after running it.
  • Reset IIS now by clicking on your server’s START button >Run and then enter the word iisreset and hit ENTER. A small window will pop open briefly and confirm that IIS is stopping and restarting.
  • Installation is now complete.
  • If you have any previous versions of Credit ++ installed on your server, you should uninstall them first.
  • Go to Start >Control Panel >Add/Remove Programs.
  • Locate any entries for “Credit ++ Toolkit” and remove them.
  • A reboot may be required.
  • The installation file for Credit ++ is bundled with your “10.2.1.zip” file and is named “install400-22BASIC.exe”.
  • Extract this file from the zip file and save to any available folder on your hard drive.
  • Browse to the file and double-click it to begin the installation.
  • Choose all default options and complete installation.

ShowInstalling Database Components  

The database components must be installed before other Framework components are installed. The database components setup executable is not required to be run on the actual SQL Server. It is recommended that database installs are run from the Web or Application Servers. The database components setup executable will perform the following functions:

The following will explain each screen of the Installation Wizard.

If you would like to store these files in another location, enter the full path in the provided text boxes. You may choose to store the log file (.ldf) in a different location than the data file (.mdf).
This step may take more than 10 minutes. SQL profiler tool can be used to monitor the SQL Server activities of running scripts.

ShowInstalling Website Components

The website components setup executable will perform the following functions:

The following will explain each screen of the Installation Wizard.

ShowInstalling Application Components

The application components setup executable will perform the following functions:

The following will explain each screen of the Installation Wizard.

Configuring your 64-bit server for the Akcelerant Framework

In order for the Akcelerant Framework to work properly on a 64-bit Windows server, the server needs to be configured for 32-bit application support in IIS 8.

Enabling 32-bit application support on IIS 8

Disabling User Access (UAC)

Troubleshooting if IIS has problems

ShowMVC Page Extensions Correctly Installed

  • Go to Administrative Tools >Internet Information Services.
  • Expand to the Web Sites folder and right-click on the installed Akcelerant Web Site.
  • Click the “Handler Mappings” button.

  • Scroll through the list of page extensions until you find “.mvc”. Double-click it to see the settings for it.

  • You should see the following information configured for “.mvc” files:



Extension .mvc
  • Click "Request Restrictions."

  • Click Verbs tab and check All Verbs

  • Double-click MIMME Types icon (see below).

  • Identify .mvc from the list and double-click it (see below):

  • Confirm the following settings:
Extension .MVC
MIMME Type application/x-miva-compiled

Additional Steps for Windows 2012

This must be done primarily for ASP pages to function properly with the COM+ object as well for the ASPX pages that still communicate with the COM+ object.

ShowCommon Installation Errors

Invalid Reporting Services Configurations

A number of factors can contribute to errors while the installer is configuring Reporting Services. Some of these reasons are:

Errors with Reporting Services are treated a little different than other installation errors. The installation process will display the error, but explain that the process will still continue the installation. Reporting Services should be configured manually if this occurs.

Windows Authentication Does Not Work

If windows authentication does not work after installation, a change to IIS may be required. The following should be configured in IIS to allow windows authentication to perform correctly.

Application Server Do Not Work with Framework 4.0 - Service Model Error

If the application services of Framework 4.0 do not work with Service Model Error (see screenshot below) after installation, it can be fixed by enabling all options under Windows Feature>IIS>Framework 4.5 and 3.

Application Service Do Not Work with Framework 4.0 - HTTP Error 404.17

The application services of Framework 4.0 do not work with 404.17 Error after installation (see screenshot below):

It can be fixed with the following command:  c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.0\Windows Communication Foundation\ServiceModelReg.exe -i

If it still does not work, please make sure that the application pool for the service has the following settings:

ShowPost Installation Steps

Setting Permissions

The Framework service account must be granted proper permissions to the folders and files on the Framework servers.

Windows Temp Directory

The Framework uses COM Interop for some of its features. At runtime, the .NET Framework may create and execute files in the temp directory. Therefore, the service account must have full permissions on this directory. This is typically C:\Windows\Temp.

Share Directory

The share directory was created in the Pre Installation section. The service account must have the following permissions granted in the share directory:

Installation Directories

The following screenshot is accurate when all three components are installed on one server. If you installed to multiple servers, the installation directory name may be different between servers, but all directories under the Installation Directory will have the same name as this screenshot.

Set the following permissions on the installation sub-directories:

  • Read & Execute
  • List Folder Contents
  • Read
  • Modify
  • List Folder Contents
  • Read
  • Write
  • Read & Execute
  • List Folder Contents
  • Read
  • List Folder Contents Read

Setting Process Notifications

All of the Akcelerant Framework processes can be set up to use email notifications. You can set these processes to email one or more recipients when the process finishes with success, finishes with failure or enters wait mode.

Furthermore, two types of email notifications can be sent. The first type is internal email. This type of email will include technical information if a process fails. Internal email is designed to be sent to technical personnel. The second type is external email. This email excludes the technical information and is designed to be sent to business personnel.

We highly recommend that you set up email notifications. However, if you are not using SMTP, or do not want email notifications, skip to the next section. By default, all email notifications are turned off when the Framework is installed.

To activate internal emails when a process finishes with failure, perform the following:

Email Result Type View Name

Logging in as Administrator

You are now ready to use the Akcelerant Framework! At this point, the default user (Admin) is the only user in the system. You must log into the Framework as this user. Use the following information to access the site and log in.

Once you log in, you will be required to change the password of the Admin user. Please do so, and keep this password in a safe place as the Admin is the only user in the system.

ShowSetting System Information

Navigate to System Management > Administrative Settings in the Framework. On the General tab, there are several fields that should be completed as part of the installation process.

Field Description
Institution Name Can be used on letters.
Institution Phone Can be used on letters.
Institution Account Number Used to communicate with the Akcelerant Software Extranet. This value must be obtained from Akcelerant.
Institution Account Password Used to communicate with the Akcelerant Software Extranet. This value must be obtained from Akcelerant.
SMTP Server The server name or IP address of your network’s SMTP server.
System Email Address All emails sent by the Framework application will use this value as the “from address.”
Server Time Zone The time zone of the actual servers where the Framework is installed.
Customer Time Zone The time zone of the institution. This very rarely differs from the Server Time Zone.



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